Vertical Caching: Web Caching for Challenged Networks
Vertical Caching: Web Caching for Challenged Networks, Chen, J., Subramanian, L. (2011, October). In Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP).
Vertical Caching: Web Caching for Challenged Networks, Chen, J., Subramanian, L. (2011, October). In Proceedings of the 23rd ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP).
PaperSpeckle: Microscopic Fingerprinting of Paper, Sharma, A., Subramanian, L., & Brewer, E. A. (2011, October). In Proceedings of the 18th ACM conference on Computer and communications security, 99-110. ACM.
WiRE: A New Rural Connectivity Paradigm, Dhananjay, A., Tierney, M., Li, J., & Subramanian, L. (2011). ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, 41(4), 462-463.
TCP Behavior in Sub-Packet Regimes, Chen, J., Iyengar, J., Subramanian, L., & Ford, B. (2011, June). In Proceedings of the ACM SIGMETRICS joint international conference on Measurement and modeling of computer systems, 157-158. ACM.
Gotta Catch 'Em All! Innoculous: Enabling Epidemiology of Computer Viruses in the Developing World, Paik, M. (2011, June). In Proceedings of the 5th ACM workshop on Networked systems for developing regions, 51-56. ACM.
Africa and the Indian Ocean: Trade, Investments, Global Partnerships, and Lessons, Nyarko, Y. (2011). Journal of African Development, 13(1), 9-15.
Location Specific Summarization of Climatic and Agricultural Trends, Chakraborty, S., & Subramanian, L. (2011, March). In Proceedings of the 20th international conference companion on World Wide Web, 463-472. ACM.
Design and Implementation of Contextual Information Portals, Chen, J., Power, R., Subramanian, L., & Ledlie, J. (2011, March). In Proceedings of the 20th international conference companion on World Wide Web, 453-462. ACM.
Analyzing and Acceleration Web Access in a School in Peri-urban India, Chen, J., Hutchful, D., Thies, W., & Subramanian, L. (2011, March). In Proceedings of the 20th international conference companion on World Wide Web, 443-452. ACM.
The Returns to the Brain Drain and Brain Circulation in Sub-Saharan Africa: Some Computations Using Data from Ghana. Nyarko, Y., edited by Edwards, S., Johnson, S., Weil, D. N. (2016) In African Successes: Human Capital, National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), 305-345.